Records Verification
U.S. records will be verified under the rules of NASGA, as the NASGA rules form the basis of other rule sets used in the United States. Records set at games sanctioned by a specific organization must also meet that organization's rules. Where there is disagreement between the NASGA rules and the sanctioning body's rules, the stricter rules apply. Announcements of new records should be posted to, at least, the NASGA message board and the message board of the appropriate sanctioning body, if there is one, and e-mailed to agm@highlandgames.net. The judge or AD must announce or confirm the record - reports from athletes will not be accepted without verification.
Canadian records will be verified by the Canadian Scottish Athletic Federation, under their rules.
North American records will be verified under NASGA or CSAF rules, as appropriate, and the rules of the sanctioning body, if there is one.
SGA records will be verified by the Scottish Games Association under their rules.
World records may be verified under the rules of NASGA, CSAF, SGA, IHGF, or other sanctioning body, with the understanding that the SGA or IHGF may not acknowledge records set under "looser" North American standards.
When an American, North American, or World Record has been broken it is the responsibility of the Judge or Athletic Director to verify that record. The Record must be set within all rules for that event. The implement will be weighed on a certified scale and the weight will be equal to or more than the legal weight for that implement. In the case of the Weights for Distance, the Weight for Height, and the Hammer Throw, the overall length of the implement will be measured and the length will be equal to or less than the legal length of that implement.
Available from NASGA at: http://www.nasgaweb.com/rules.asp
Not yet available.
Same as NASGA, with this addition:
(Measure for records on height events by measuring with tape on each end of the bar and from the center of the bar.)
Same as NASGA.
When a Games, National, or World record has been broken it is the responsibility of the judge to verify that record. The tape used to mark the throw must be pulled as straight as possible. The ground must be as flat as possible. The implement must be as long or shorter than the length requirements listed above. The implement must be weighed on a certified scale and witnessed by the judge and one other person, not the athlete that set the record. The throw must be a legal throw with regards to the trig and specific event rules. The judge must notify the association of any new records that have been set. If the judge does not notify the association, the record will not count.
NOTE: The SAAA's current rulebook, as posted on their web site, no longer covers verification of records. SHA, which runs some games formerly under the SAAA's jurisdiction, also does not cover records in their rulebook.
Establishing a Canadian Record
Canadian records must be set by a competitor with Canadian citizenship and may be set anywhere in the world where Internationally recognized rules are used. When a Canadian record is thrown, the implement is measured on the field before any further throws are performed. The weight is sequestered per international standards (government electronic certified scale). Then the record and all results are posted on the CSAF website by the A.D. Of the games, or a CSAF representative. The provincial representative of CSAF will follow up with the A.D. To verify the implements legitimacy. The provincial representative then declares it a Canadian record and posts it on the CSAF website.
I don't have copies of the rules from other organizations. Please send them to me if you have them!
The Scottish Highland Games Association (SHGA) is the governing body for most professional games in Scotland. The SHGA maintains a list of world records, but does not accept records broken outside Scotland, or at some games in Scotland, because SHGA rules and rules commonly used elsewhere differ on some points. In some cases, this means an SHGA "world record" may not be the longest legitimate throw in that event. The SHGA does not keep stone throw records; most games in Scotland now use 16lb or 22lb balls, and records are kept for those implements. The SHGA does not keep sheaf records, since sheaf tossing is not a standard part of games in Scotland.
World records can be set by anyone, anywhere in the world. US or Canadian records must be set by citizens of the respective countries, and can be set anywhere in the world. North American records must be set by citizens of countries in North America, and can be set anywhere in the world. Amateur records must be set by amateur athletes, from any country, and can be set anywhere in the world (an amateur competing in a pro competition in Scotland, for example, can still have a record count as long as no prize money is accepted and the athlete's amateur status is maintained). Lightweight records must be set by a male competitor weighing less than 190lbs (for the under 200lbs class, see http://www.hglightweightrecords.org/). The athlete must be competing in an official lightweight class, and weight must be verified at a weigh-in the morning of the games in which the record is set.
There are currently no amateur or lightweight records for women.
Because of the varying weights of stones, records in the stone throw (light open stone, heavy open stone, Braemar) will be absolute records. A stone throw is a record if no heavier stone (in 1 pound increments) has been thrown as far or further. For example:
Dennis DeSoto set an amateur record in 1991 with a throw of 58' 2.5" in the open stone, with a stone weighing 17 lbs. John Davis threw a lighter, 16lb stone 60' 3.5" in 2002. Since no heavier stone has been thrown as far or further, Davis' throw is an absolute record for a 16lb stone. However, since no stone heavier than 17lbs has ever been thrown as far or farther than DeSoto's throw, his record remains intact as an absolute record for a 17lb stone.
Games in Scotland do not allow use of the spin technique in the weight for height. Since several world-class throwers are unable to use this technique without crossing the Atlantic Ocean, a separate record will be kept for the standing throw, if the spin (or "open") technique produces a higher mark. If the standing throw is higher, there will not be a separate record for the open style.